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G. Who Offers Course Credit by Examination?

There are many different ways that you can earn credit by taking examinations.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Examinations

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers 35 examinations representing courses typically taken during the first two years of college. The examinations cover subjects in the liberal arts and humanities, as well as introductory business, the sciences and mathematics.

CLEP examinations are administered throughout the year at more than 1,000 institutions across the country. Each exam costs $55, payable directly to CLEP. Test centers may charge a separate administration fee -- The College Board suggests a $15 fee for administrating exams, but each test center may have a different price structure.

Many examinations are designed to correspond to one-semester courses; some, however, correspond to full-year or two-yearcourses. Each exam is 90 minutes long, and is administered on computer. Test takers receive their scores immediately upon completion of the exam, except for English Composition with Essay, which is scored twice a month.

Visit CLEP for a complete description of the examinations as well as the locations of test centers and participating Institutions. For information, contact CLEP services at 1-800-257-9558 or via email.

CLEP Program Administrator

P.O. Box 6605

Princeton, NJ 08541-6600


Dante's Examinations

Dante's examinations are available from Educational Testing Service called DSST. They offer examinations on over 50 subjects, some in applied technology, for those interested in a technical degree.

Dante's charges $60 per examination. Most examinations are equivalent to three semester hours of credit. For a list of schools that administer the program and a list of examinations, contact:

Dante's Program Office



Princeton, NJ 08541


For more information, visit The DSST Program web site.


Excelsior College UExcell examinations cost$110.   A special Value Package for ourUExcel Exams provides you with a second chance – a free retake registration incase your first attempt at the operating exam is unsuccessful – so long as youpurchase the practice examination along with the operating examinationregistration in the value package bundle. The value package is priced at $145and covers the registration for the practice exam, the registration for theoperating exam, and a free retake of the operating exam, if needed.

ExcelsiorCollege offers 71 different examinations in, Business & Technology,Education, Humanities, Natural Sciences & Mathematics Nursing, and SocialSciences/History.

Excelsior College UExcel program


7 ColumbiaCircle
Albany, NY 12203-5159

Ohio University

Ohio University offers more than 180 examinations for freshman and sophmore (lower level) and junior and senior (upper level) courses from a large selection of majors. Cost is $65 per quarter hour of credit. Thus, credit for a four hour course would cost $260. For information, contact:

Ohio University Examination Program

102 Haning Hall

Athens, OH 45701-2979


University of North Carolina

The University of North Carolina offers over 150 end-of-course examinations. They are concentrated in those subjects required in the lower level of college. They offer introductory courses in many majors. The cost is $100 per course for residents and $205 per course for non-residents. For information, contact:

The University Of North Carolina

CCB #3420, Abernethy Hall

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3420

1-919-962-1106 (ask for Division of Continuing Education)


Portland State University

Portland State offers 17 examinations in Administration of Justice, and Computer Science. For information, contact (Select the Credit by Exam Option):

Portland State University

Independent Study

1633 SW Park Avenue

P.O. Box 1491

Portland, OR 97207


American College Testing Program/Proficiency Examination Program (ACT PEP)

The American College Testing Program Administers the Proficiency Examination Program. There are a large number of examinations focusing on the arts and sciences, business, education, and nursing.

Examination fees range from $40 to $235 per course with most under $125. For information, contact:


P.O. Box 168

Iowa City, IA 52243


Thomas A. Edison College Examination Program (TECEP)

The Thomas A. Edison College Examination Program has the largest selection of end-of-course examinations available covering a wide range of liberal arts, business, and professional areas. The cost is $25 per semester hour. For information, contact:

Thomas A. Edison State College Examination Program

Office of Test Administration

101 West State Street

CN 545

Trenton, NJ 08625



Advanced Placement Program (APP)

The College Entrance Examination Board administers the Advanced Placement Program, a series of college level examinations. They are available to high schools seniors, or individuals with no prior college credit. Examinations are offered in many areas of the arts and sciences. For information, contact:

Advanced Placement Program

P.O Box 6671

Princeton, NJ 08541

Alternate Sources of Credit

A. Assessing Credit for Equivalent Learning Experience
B. Credit for Military Schooling
C. Credit for Professional Certifications and Licenses
D. Courses Sponsored by Business and Government
E. Correspondence Courses
F. Course Credit by Examination
G. Who Offers Course Credit by Examination?
H. Local Colleges and Universities
I. Courses Offered Over the Internet
J. Courses Offered by Video and Television
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