354 Regionally Accredited US Colleges
8921 Online Degrees
What is Distance Learning?
Who benefits from Distance Learning?
Where will my distance learning degree get me?
Is Financial Aid available?
Do graduate schools accept Distance Learning degrees?
What is accreditation and who can confer it?
Can previously earned credit be transferred?
Are there other ways to earn credit?
How can textbooks be acquired?
Tuition Information
Distance Learning and foreign students
A. Assessing Credit for Equivalent Learning Experience

Life learning experience credit may be awarded. Most colleges have assessment programs. To qualify, life experience must be educationally equivalent to that learned in traditionally offered classes. Traditional classroom course descriptions specify exact learning objectives. Life learning experience must meet those same objectives in order to qualify for credit. Experience must be documented, and submitted to a review board for credit determination.

Colleges and universities that award life experience credit will have an assessment center to assist students in identifying relevant experience and preparing the required documentation.

Alternate Sources of Credit

A. Assessing Credit for Equivalent Learning Experience
B. Credit for Military Schooling
C. Credit for Professional Certifications and Licenses
D. Courses Sponsored by Business and Government
E. Correspondence Courses
F. Course Credit by Examination
G. Who Offers Course Credit by Examination?
H. Local Colleges and Universities
I. Courses Offered Over the Internet
J. Courses Offered by Video and Television
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